Sunday, September 16, 2012

More Unrest on Twitter Than in Libya?

The unrest in Libya and the Middle East is unsettling on many different levels. It's frightening knowing that the United States will most likely be forced to send many troops over to the unstable area because of the recent attacks against our already existing troops. The photographs that are constantly being covered over twitter are graphic yet brutally honest and display how unsettling the unrest is in the Middle East.

As I read tweets about the unrest, my feed requires constant updating from all of the talk about the subject.  The most re-tweeted tweet is about pictures of people of the Muslim community apologizing for the deaths of the US ambassador and our Marines. As an American, I enjoy these pictures because as angry as our country can be we must know that not all of the Muslim community are terrorists, or evil, but are loving individuals.

However there are also many hate filled tweets from the angry and hurt Americans that can be deemed offensive. Videos of the attack of Chris Stevens have surfaced, and can be very confusing to some Americans.  It looks as though Stevens is being attacked and dragged however with recent investigation it is now known that the people in the video were celebrating the fact that Stevens was still alive and trying to get him help.

Now having an even deeper respect for the USMC, taking into consideration that a very close family member just became a Marine, I personally am fearful of what is to come but I have hope that justice can and will be served.  Of course, it would be nice to have it done with as little sacrifice as possible, and right now I think that is what most American's are hoping for.

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