Sunday, December 2, 2012

An article written for the Daily Collegian for UMass was recently published about how the Freshmen 15 is avoidable. The title, "UMass dietician, students find “Freshman 15″ easily avoidable" basically explains the entire article, making it not very interesting to read.  I think a clever lead would have made this article more eye catching.

However, I do agree with this statement, as it pertains to my final article.  UMass has so many healthy food choices, and my focus, the Rec Center, is a great way to keep the extra pounds away.  It's a beautiful facility that I will see if it was money well spent for the University after I survey students.

The article written on the Amherst business's being affected by UMass football being moved to Gillette Stadium has a very boring title, but I can't think of another way that it could be written.  I never thought of how the local business' would be affected and this really opened my eyes.  The lead of the article was strong and to the point however I think that they should have mentioned Amherst in the lead.

The story about the UMass student's death, I feel should not be saying anything about the UMass drinking culture considering it still is a very sensitive topic.  Many people would find that offensive because although the drinking culture is a problem, a student lost their life.

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